A Parent's Guide: Self-Care Tips for Moms
Meal times, baths, tantrums, constant cleaning, dirty washing, juggling finances, repeat…
If you are feeling exhausted from the daily grind of parenthood you are not alone. As much as we love our little ones, it’s important to acknowledge that all parents need some time to themselves.
Here are some tips to add self-care to your busy routine:
Pamper your skin daily with a good skin care routine. If you have been thinking you have aged a few years since having children then this is for you. Stress can accelerate ageing of the skin due to the release of a stress hormone called cortisol. Cortisol breaks down elastin and collagen in the skin causing fine line and wrinkles. By using a good skin care routine, you can slow down the ageing process and keep your skin smooth and fresh. We recommend adding a good cleanser and moisturizer to your self-care routine such as Skin Health Science. This will help you feel radiant and back to your old self in no time.
As much as we adore baby babble, sometimes all it takes to de-stress is a good conversation with another adult. Staying at home in your pajamas may feel like the best thing to do after a night of multiple feeds, but trying to get out with friends and other mums will bring some normality to your day. If you find yourself without any friends don’t despair, there are mum groups and activities for children in most suburbs. Check out your local Facebook page for your area and ask for weekly activities you can attend for you and your bub or toddler. We can guarantee you are bound to make new friends in no time.
If you are exhausted and needing a rest, then take it. Listen to your body and give it what it needs. Rushing around the house and cleaning after a chaotic morning when you are wishing you were relaxing with your favorite past time, will not help you when your bub wakes up. A 20-minute nap will help you rewind, feel rested and boost your mood. The dishes and dirty clothes can wait. Close your eyes Momma and enjoy it, because you deserve it!
Get out in nature and move your body. The best thing about being a new mum is the freedom to go on as many walks as you can. Exercise and fresh air will boost your mood and strengthen your body. It also helps to prevent chronic illness and boosts your immune system. Utilize a gym which has a creche and join some group fitness classes. The best thing about gyms with creches is that you can exercise, socialize and enjoy a hot shower and cup of tea afterwards. It’s an hour and a half of pure me time. If you are exhausted and can’t fathom leaving the house then there are some great exercise apps or workouts on YouTube to get you moving. If you have an active toddler they could even join in which will tire them out and get you fit at the same time.
No-one can underestimate the healing power of water on the skin. Ask your partner or a friend to watch your child for 30 minutes and take that long shower or bath which you desire. You could build the relaxation levels by pretending it is your own personal spa treatment. Make it special- add some candles, your favorite music and a home hair treatment. We recommend adding this to your schedule at least once a week. Let your partner know in advance so they get used to the idea and know this is your special time to yourself without any distractions.
Set your alarm 30 minutes early so you are getting up on your terms. Waking to toddlers screaming is never a good start to the morning. By rising a little earlier each day, you can enjoy that coffee/tea, engage in mediation or even a 15-minute yoga routine. This will empower you to start your day feeling fresh and relaxed.

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